Monday, July 13, 2020

Spinal Fusion surgery #27

God surprises me and reminds me that we are never truly alone.  

We arrived at the OR at 5 am and he will be in surgery until possibly 3 with a large team. (we added an additional chief ortho surgeon to the crew this morning).  We also ran into another Spina Bifida family that we have known for years having the mitrofanoff procedure Hayden had years ago.  That was the single largest surgery he had ever endured with a 7-week recovery. Glad to know we will know our neighbors and have empathy in their journey.

This is Hayden’s talented surgeon that will add to his Dr. Bear 🐻  the same surgery that Hayden has.

New gowns at the hospital brought a smile.  Hayden lucked out with his favorite Spiderman!

Hayden was calm but insisted I get to go into the OR with him.  I got to see all the tools and saws but he calmly gave a thumbs up as he drifted off.

Every day is a gift.
The best gift Hayden could receive other than chocolate would be to see messages and videos directly to his iPad when he wakes up in a few days.

This pictures shows the endurance of neuromuscular scoliosis and the progress just over one year time.  My brave boy truly lives an inspiring life.  Lots of people may not like that message but he does.  Not because he uses a wheelchair but because he has purpose, dignity, kindness, hope, joy, happiness and positivity.  Don't waste your potential and health on trivial things.  What he endures is more than my worst of days. 

We are taking it day to day and should be here a week.  My wonderful mother arrived with her dog to cheer and care for my other enduring little warriors at home.

message Hayden at

The bottom picture is if a new lift to help transport, lift and carry.  It is from a family that lost their son, Christopher, last year.  We actually have some of the same nurses now working for us.  Our families live the reality of fragile mortality and this touches my sober heart.


  1. We are praying for your beautiful, brave warrior. You are in our hearts.

  2. Hayden you GOT THIS buddy! I love you and my whole family is praying for you, and my Mom put you on the prayer chain at church. Hang in there and ALWAYS BE BRAVE!!

  3. We love you Hayden!!! You're so strong and you inspire us so much!! So glad you got your favorite Spider Man gown for surgery! How cool is that?!? All our love and prayers
    Kit n Lauren ❤️
