Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Red Arena hippotherapy, horses not hippos

Hayden has been fortunate to start back at Red Arena.  Some people may not know the benefits of horse therapy.  The horse is good for people that don't walk as it has a similar gait to humans. This way Hayden gets to experience what it feels like to walk with reciprocating movement. He also gets to practice his trunk support to help his balance and crossing midline to use both sides of his body all while playing games with these gentle teachers.

This year he also is in a reading program where he gets to read to the horses.  I have never seen him so excited to read.  He starts off his therapy sessions by reading to horses, grooming them and then he moves onto riding.  The reading program is taught by a former special education instructor.  The program is free due to generously donated grant money to Red Arena.

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